
Announcing ofxAubio


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It has been a long time since I wanted to create an add-on for OpenFrameworks, the mighty open source toolkit for creative coding.

Recently, my friends at Hand Coded asked me if they could use aubio in their application, Ledotron, to have the live music controlling the visual in real time. I can't say much more, but it's going to be something really nice.

Some people had already written addons using the aubio library to do pitch or onset detection using aubio, but I figured it would be easier to start a new project from scratch.

So far, I've put together an addon that can to beat tracking, pitch detection, onset detection, and mel frequency energy bands.

ofxAubio in action

So, without further ado:

If you like the project, star it on github!

Expect more features soon, user feedback and requests welcome!

Thu, 05 Nov 2015, 16:47. trackback - view/add comments

Responses to this post

Currently, we use the Aubio to the study of storytelling of children's picture books at the university.
I am grateful to your software.
It is very accuracy is good and easy to use.
We are want addon of openframeworks of the Windows version.
Do you plan to publish it?

Posted by Kazuki at Thu Oct 20 08:24:36 2016

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