
aubio is a collection of algorithms and tools to label and transform music and sounds. It scans or listens to audio signals and attempts to detect musical events. For instance, when a drum is hit, at which frequency is a note, or at what tempo is a rhythmic melody.

aubio features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio.


aubio provides several algorithms and routines, including:

  • several onset detection methods
  • different pitch detection methods
  • tempo tracking and beat detection
  • MFCC (mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients)
  • FFT and phase vocoder
  • up/down-sampling
  • digital filters (low pass, high pass, and more)
  • spectral filtering
  • transient/steady-state separation
  • sound file read and write access
  • various mathematics utilities for music applications

The name aubio comes from audio with a typo: some errors are likely to be found in the results.