
Meet gst-aubio

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I have just pushed the Gstreamer plugin for aubio to No official release just yet, but you can fetch the latest gst-aubio branch using:

git clone git://

So far there are two elements: aubiopitch and aubiotempo. Here is an example of how to use them:

gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=uri://to/soundormovie.file ! decodebin \
   ! audioconvert ! aubiopitch silent=FALSE ! aubiotempo silent=FALSE \
   ! fakesink

Many thanks to the nice folks at Ubicast, who sponsored the development of these elements. They used it for instance to automate camera switching on the video stream of their party events, but also to control lights and camera. Check out this test.

Sat, 12 Dec 2009, 15:51. trackback - view/add comments

Responses to this post

Paul you are soooooooo great ^_^

Posted by Maya at Sun Jan 24 20:10:26 2010

Hello Paul:
I've been reading aubio and am very much impressed with it's capabilities.

I need to detect the presence of an audio theme (it lasts about 2 to 3 seconds) in an unknown audio track (speech and music). That is, I know the music theme is present  and that it occurs several times in the audio track (~ 30 minutes long). Usually, there is no one speaking when the music theme plays.

I would like to use your aubio library for the detection.

What type of processing would you suggest to detect the presence and location of this theme music in the audio track?


Posted by Greg at Wed Nov 10 15:05:04 2010

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