The Sound of Orange RockCorps
Mattias Gunnerås wrote:
During the past couple of months I've been working on this Poke project for Orange. It's an amazing feat of web technology where you can record your own sounds and have them mashed up with your friends into songs.
We built this project using a Django backend, Sox, lame, ffmpeg and aubio for audio processing [...].
Read the full story: Make your own tracks with The Sound of Orange Rockcorps.
The site is live at The Sound of Orange Rockcorps. Fun to think about aubio running in Orange's servers! And if like me you wonder what RockCorps can be: a movement producing concerts for volunteers.
Update: Mattias gave more detail: We use Aubio for the pitch detection when you record your sounds. Considering lots of people at home have bad microphones or they make recordings through their telephones the aubio pitch detection works really well.
Tue, 10 Nov 2009, 13:39. trackback - view/add comments
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