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Re: Aubio in Visual Studio 2005

Hello Paul!

Thanks for your work on setting up a VS project for aubio, I know
several people will be interested to have this feature.

I will be of little help myself as i have no access to a windows machine
and no knowledge about it.

I have been successfull at cross compiling aubio.dll and aubioext.dll from a
Linux box using mingw. The result is available here:

WARNING: these binaries have *NOT* been tested. feedback most welcome!

Thanks, piem

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 01:51:54PM -0700, Paul Dean wrote:
> I'm currently working to get AUBIO to compile in MS Visual Studio 2005.
> More than that.. I'm trying to write a CMAKE script to allow AUBIO to
> easily compile on all platforms. 
> Since I work from a win32 environment and I'm trying to stay away from
> minGW and Cygwin, I haven't got a successful compile just yet, but
> things look promising. 
> Once I can get a VS2005 compile, I think writing a working CMAKE script
> would be easier.  
> My current Methods are Compiling FFTW3, libsndfile, and libsamplerate in
> to .lib files and trying to compile AUBIO against them statically. 
> I've been trying to make an aubio.dll without luck, so I've included
> aubioonset.c into the project to attempt and an executable. I think I'm
> down to about 4 errors. :P
> Here's my Latest Build Log
> g.htm
> Aubio VS2005 project + all libs + Cmake script    (<-will be available
> once I zip everything up an throw it on the server)
> I've also included a thread on my forum dedicated to getting AUBIO to
> Cross-Compile with a CMake script. 
> Any Ideas, thoughts, and or help  would be so much help since I've
> already spend many days trying to get this to work.  :-)
> Cheers
> -aquawicket

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