aubio  0.4.9
#include <aubio.h>
#include "utils_tests.h"
int test_wrong_params(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
uint_t err = 0;
if (argc < 3 || argc >= 6) {
PRINT_ERR("wrong number of arguments, running tests\n");
err = test_wrong_params();
PRINT_MSG("usage: %s <input_path> <output_path> [samplerate] [hop_size]\n",
return err;
uint_t samplerate = 0;
uint_t hop_size = 512;
uint_t n_frames = 0, read = 0;
char_t *source_path = argv[1];
char_t *sink_path = argv[2];
aubio_source_t *src = NULL;
aubio_sink_t *snk = NULL;
if ( argc >= 4 ) samplerate = atoi(argv[3]);
if ( argc >= 5 ) hop_size = atoi(argv[4]);
fvec_t *vec = new_fvec(hop_size);
if (!vec) { err = 1; goto failure; }
src = new_aubio_source(source_path, samplerate, hop_size);
if (!src) { err = 1; goto failure; }
if (samplerate == 0 ) samplerate = aubio_source_get_samplerate(src);
snk = new_aubio_sink(sink_path, samplerate);
if (!snk) { err = 1; goto failure; }
do {
aubio_source_do(src, vec, &read);
aubio_sink_do(snk, vec, read);
n_frames += read;
} while ( read == hop_size );
PRINT_MSG("%d frames read at %dHz (%d blocks) from %s and written to %s\n",
n_frames, samplerate, n_frames / hop_size,
source_path, sink_path);
// close sink now (optional)
if (snk)
if (src)
if (vec)
return err;
int test_wrong_params(void)
fvec_t *vec;
fmat_t *mat;
char_t sink_path[PATH_MAX] = "tmp_aubio_XXXXXX";
uint_t samplerate = 44100;
uint_t hop_size = 256;
uint_t oversized_hop_size = 4097;
uint_t oversized_samplerate = 192000 * 8 + 1;
uint_t channels = 3;
uint_t oversized_channels = 1025;
// create temp file
int fd = create_temp_sink(sink_path);
if (!fd) return 1;
if (new_aubio_sink( 0, samplerate)) return 1;
if (new_aubio_sink("\0", samplerate)) return 1;
if (new_aubio_sink(sink_path, -1)) return 1;
s = new_aubio_sink(sink_path, 0);
// check setting wrong parameters fails
if (!aubio_sink_preset_samplerate(s, oversized_samplerate)) return 1;
if (!aubio_sink_preset_channels(s, oversized_channels)) return 1;
if (!aubio_sink_preset_channels(s, -1)) return 1;
// check setting valid parameters passes
if (aubio_sink_preset_samplerate(s, samplerate)) return 1;
if (aubio_sink_preset_channels(s, 1)) return 1;
// check writing a vector with valid length
vec = new_fvec(hop_size);
aubio_sink_do(s, vec, hop_size);
// check writing more than in the input
aubio_sink_do(s, vec, hop_size+1);
// check write 0 frames
aubio_sink_do(s, vec, 0);
// check writing an oversized vector
vec = new_fvec(oversized_hop_size);
aubio_sink_do(s, vec, oversized_hop_size);
// test delete without closing
s = new_aubio_sink(sink_path, 0);
// preset channels first
if (aubio_sink_preset_channels(s, channels)) return 1;
if (aubio_sink_preset_samplerate(s, samplerate)) return 1;
if (aubio_sink_get_samplerate(s) != samplerate) return 1;
if (aubio_sink_get_channels(s) != channels) return 1;
mat = new_fmat(channels, hop_size);
// check writing a vector with valid length
aubio_sink_do_multi(s, mat, hop_size);
// check writing 0 frames
aubio_sink_do_multi(s, mat, 0);
// check writing more than in the input
aubio_sink_do_multi(s, mat, hop_size+1);
// check writing oversized input
mat = new_fmat(channels, oversized_hop_size);
aubio_sink_do_multi(s, mat, oversized_hop_size);
// check writing undersized input
mat = new_fmat(channels - 1, hop_size);
aubio_sink_do_multi(s, mat, hop_size);
// test closing twice
// delete temp file
close_temp_sink(sink_path, fd);
// shouldn't crash on null
return run_on_default_source_and_sink(main);