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Re: aubio
- To: Andres Diaz <>,,
- Subject: Re: aubio
- From: Ed Kelly <>
- Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 16:41:50 +0100 (BST)
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- In-reply-to: <>
Hi there,
So what sort of problems are you having?
It is quite important to install fftw first, as it is used by libsamplerate.
I generally find that the best way to invoke configure is
./configure --prefix=/usr
since this gets around a problem with some Unix systems that /usr/local is the default install, but not the default search directory for library files.
For pure data compilation, download the source from and unpack it. cd into the src directory and copy the header files to /usr/include:
cd pd-0.40-2/src
cp *.h /usr/include
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
Do this before you run ./configure in the aubio directory, and aubio should compile the pd plugin - note that this is aubio.pd_linux, not aubionotes~.pd_linux aubiotempo.pd_linux or any of the other names (they are objects within the library).
your .pdrc file (in the home directory) should contain the following:
-lib aubio
and you're ready to go with PD and aubio!
Good luck,
Andres Diaz <> wrote:
hello pauli've been checking around the aubio page and i found out that it is a really good tool to work audio stuff.i'm working with puredata right now and i would like to use aubio stuff on it, but i'm suffering some problems with the intallation, i wonder if you could help me out with it...i would really appretiate it.thanksAndrés Díaz
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