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Re: aubio external for PD

In the end, I'm not sure what all I did to get sndlib, libtool, fftw and aubio to all compile on Mac OS X 10.4.7 on G4.

I do remember that I had to update my path to get things to work.  Below are instructions for how I changed my path as well as how to actually use the aubio.pd_darwin plugin library once it's compiled.  My knowledge of this compiling / linux stuff is very sketchy so others might be able to correct me or offer better help.  I'm cc'ing this to the aubio list.

Type echo $PATH

mine is /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/lib

if you don't have all those bins you might try adding to your path by:

going to /etc

and then editing the profile file by typing pico profile (this is the system wide one, this probably isn't the right thing to do but it worked for me). it should have something like the following.  make sure there's an export command in there.  Not sure what that does.

export PATH

if you search online they tell you all kinds of other ways to change your path variable, but none of those worked for me.
double check that your path actually changed by typing echo $PATH again.

then go back and try ./configure
now for the pd external (aubio.pd_darwin).  Put the attached file inside the Pd App under Contents-->Resources-->extra
this one file is a library that contains all the aubio objects like aubioonset~
(ctrl click the PD app. to see inside it).

To use it, go into PD preferences-->startup and add the following line next to startup:  -verbose -lib aubio
the verbose flag makes it so you can see what directories it's actually looking into to find the library.
I gave this to someone else and they didn't have luck with it and said there's some other way to load libraries involving xml Property List Editor.  Not sure.
-Scott wrote:

Hi Scott,
I got you email address from the PD mailing list in a thread re aubio  for PD. I was actually trying to compile this a couple of weeks ago  and gave up due to ./configure not being able to find fftw3 as it was  in a different place to where it expected and i really havent a good  grasp of this compiling stuff either.
I was wondering if there is any way you could email me your compiled  aubio so i could try that? Im on os x 10.4.7 on a G4 so i guess it  should work.
Many thanks

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